Inran Caster Suzuka – Chapter 2

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Rating: 4

All of the characters reminisce about how they came to meet Suzuka when she was brought in to be the lead actress for a film they made in college.

When Suzuka is nervous about having to be nude for filming one of the scenes, Misaki “comforts” her by making out and groping her.

Misaki then tells her that she’ll “teach” Suzuka how to kiss and other things so she can properly act as a lover for the film. We don’t see anything else after, but it’s implied they did a lot of other stuff off-screen.

Pretty Housewife, Makimura Yukari – Chapter 4

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Rating: 5

Yukari meets with the MC’s mother, Maki. Yukari is surprised that Maki is married to a man and has a kid since she was a lesbian in high school and has a history of having sex with lots of girls, including herself.

Maki admits she’s still a lesbian and goes to seduce/have sex with Yukari for a while.

At the end of the chapter, Maki goes to have sex with her female assistant, saying she won’t let her sleep tonight.