Miru Tights – Episode 11

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Timestamp: 00:40
Rating: 3

Ren goes to Yua’s house on valentine’s day to gift her a stuffed animal as repayment for the chocolates she got from her earlier. Yua then teases her by saying she could’ve just given herself as a present, but quickly says that she was only joking.

This prompts Ren to try and 1-up Yua by tying herself up and actually presenting herself as a gift. It ends up backfiring when she’s unable to move from being tangled up. At the end of the episode, Yua finds her tangled and begins to grope her off-screen.

Seikatsu Shuukan – Chapter 4

Series Page
Chapter Link (Page 64)
Rating: 4

Setojima confronts the MC about his sexual acts at the school. The MC has Shinomori tie up Setojima so that he can briefly have sex with her.

When the MC stops, he outs Setojima for being a lesbian and how she had sex with Shinomori. He then figured out that she was also planning on having sex with the other girls in the student council.

Shinomori briefly has sex with Setojima in front of the MC, but then she uncuffs her and Setojima has sex with the MC.