Locked Up – Chapters 61-62

Series Page
Rating: 2

At the end of the Ch. 61, Chan-Mi is cornered and raped/assaulted by four other inmates who are taking revenge on her.

Gore Warning
At the end of Ch. 62, the MC finds Chan-Mi passed out and bleeding from her vagina. She wasn’t a virgin, so the blood was from the torture.

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Koi no Gunfight – Chapter 3

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Raw Chapter Link (Pages 81-88 & 95)
Rating: 5

While the MC and Rin are in the middle of having sex, Luka shows up and kicks the MC out so she can have her turn.

Luka and Rin then have lesbian sex with each other while the MC watches.

After they finish, Rin goes back to having sex with the MC.

At the end of the chapter, Rin asks to do this type of thing again with Luka.

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Koi no Gunfight – Chapter 2

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Raw Chapter Link (Pages 38-65)
Rating: 5

This chapter introduces Luka, who after being saved by Rin in the game they play together, falls in love with her.

Luka then invites Rin and the MC over to her place, where she spikes both of their drinks to make them pass out.

Luka then rapes and has lesbian sex with Rin in front of the MC while he’s tied-up, stating that he doesn’t deserve her and she’s going to steal her away.

Eventually Luka also has sex with the MC, but then she goes back to Rin.

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Satanophany – Chapters 21-22

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Rating: 3

Before attempting to kill Chika, Kachua gropes and rapes her while she’s tied-up in a trap.

Eventually Chika gets free and ends the scene.

Gore Warning?
Kachua uses the bladed edge of a knife as a pseudo-dildo on Chika, but there’s no blood. Just a word of warning I guess.

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