Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls – Episode 10 Scene 2

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Timestamps: 19:04-20:12 / 21:26-21:45
Rating: 4

Rachnera punishes and interrogates Lilith by subjugating her to BDSM with her webs.

Most of this is off-screen and it’s very implied that they have sex given that they’re both nude, but it’s never really answered if they do, even in the manga.

This scene is in Chapter 21 of the manga. Lilith also shows up in Chapter 40 purely to see Rachnera again.

Different World Girl – Chapter 2

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Rating: 5

Philia comes home expecting to find a present from the MC, but she mistakenly thinks it’s a girl (Mary) that’s unconscious on the bed that the MC saved earlier without telling Philia.

Since the MC isn’t home to clear up Philia’s misunderstanding, she ends up succumbing to her desires and curiosities about human girls and has sex with Mary for the whole day.

The MC comes home at the end to find that Mary had completely fallen for Philia.