Koi Kano x Ai Kano – Chapter 18

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Rating: 5

The chapter starts with a flashforward of the MC having a threesome with Rinko and Hinata.

It then cuts to Rinko having sex with Hinata while the MC is forced to watch.

Next is what happened 5 hours earlier, where Rinko sent the MC a DVD recording of her having sex with Hinata in a public library.

After they catch him watching the DVD, it cuts back to the threesome from the start of the chapter.

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Ring x Mama – Chapter 4

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Rating: 5

Asuka and Rio have a match against each other that turns into them grinding against each other. Asuka teases Rio by saying this reminds her of the old days, implying they had sex with each other a lot in the past.

Technically Asuka is married, but she explains it’s just for appearances and that it’s over between her and her husband. So there won’t be any “Married” or “Cheating” tags for scenes involving her.

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