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Rating: 4
Continued from the previous scene, Rin continues to use her foot on Mia to reactivate her hypnosis.
This causes Mia to imagine that she’s being groped by her alter self at the same time.
Scene doesn’t have a male involved with the girls at any point. (If a guy is only watching the scene happen, this tag still applies. If a male is involved from the start, the “Male Involved” tag is used. If the scene starts as yuri, but eventually a male joins in, the “Male Joins” tag is used.)
Series Page
Chapter Link
Rating: 4
Continued from the previous scene, Rin continues to use her foot on Mia to reactivate her hypnosis.
This causes Mia to imagine that she’s being groped by her alter self at the same time.
Series Page
Chapter Link
Rating: 3
Rin uses her foot on Mia to reawaken her hypnosis.
Series Page
Chapter Link
Rating: 3
Yuna sees Seon-Gae getting raped by So-Ra.