Sefure – Chapters 57-58

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Rating: 5

Continued from the previous scene, Julia and Leo engage in lotion play while the MC watches.

Pretty quickly though, Julia gets more and more aggressive, turning the scene into full on lesbian sex.

Julia even starts to tease the MC about getting cucked by another woman, but he’s completely fine with it because it’s hot.

While showing reluctance to Julia’s previous advances, Leo gets very turned on here and begins to enjoy the girl-on-girl action.

The MC never joins in at any point, he only watches.

Personally speaking, this is probably my favorite scene I’ve added onto the manga list so far.

Even though the MC is fine with it in the end, I have the Cheating tag here because of the NTR dialogue Julia has.

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Sefure – Chapters 43-44

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Julia kisses Leo multiple times to try and steal her away from the MC and as a way to provoke him, which leaves Leo flustered.

Later for their show, they get on to the topic of kissing and how many types there are, which causes Leo to imagine all of them with Julia.

Julia then shows up and kisses Leo again.

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Akame ga KILL! Zero – Chapter 29

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Rating: 4

Madam Mera takes a random girl away from her boyfriend to have sex with her.

The entire time, Madam Mera’s subordinates spy on them. After the girl leaves, they then also have sex with Mera.

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