Myo-chan Sensei wa Kaku Katariki – Chapter 6

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Rating: 2

A female student is having trouble trying to hold hands with her boyfriend so she goes to Myo-chan for Advice.

She tries to help her out by practicing holding her hand, but gets too embarrassed and backs away.

At the end of the chapter, the Myo-chan holds another girls hand.

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Pretty Housewife, Makimura Yukari – Chapter 4

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Chapter Link (Pages 4-13 & 25)
Rating: 5

Yukari meets with the MC’s mother, Maki. Yukari is surprised that Maki is married to a man and has a kid since she was a lesbian in high school and has a history of having sex with lots of girls, including herself.

Maki admits she’s still a lesbian and goes to seduce/have sex with Yukari for a while.

At the end of the chapter, Maki goes to have sex with her female assistant, saying she won’t let her sleep tonight.

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