Mother-in-Law Bends To My Will – Chapter 43

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Rating: 1

Soohee and Seulah’s breasts briefly press together while they’re arguing.

Afterwards, Soohee agrees to help Seulah get revenge on the MC. We also briefly see Soohee’s imagination of having both Seulah and Sooyeon.

There’s no explanation for what Soohee’s revenge plan is yet, but it seems implied that she wants to take both Seulah and Sooyeon for herself. I guess we’ll see.

Locked Up – Chapters 54-56

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Rating: 4

At the very end of the Ch. 54, the MC tells Joon-Ye and Dakyung that he’s going to force them to have lesbian sex with each other as a competition, and whoever makes the other orgasm first will be let go.

In Ch. 55, Dakyung hits Joon-Ye in the head with a chair, knocking her over and then proceeds to eat her out.

At the very end of Ch. 56, the MC joins in and ends the scene. Nothing yuri happens in Ch. 57.