Family Guy – Season 10 Episode 21 Scene 1

Series Page
Episode Title: Tea Peter
Timestamp: 03:03-03:27
Rating: 2

Peter paints a random family’s portrait and instead of painting how they actually look, he paints the mother and daughter kissing each other.

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Brandish – Chapter 36

Series Page
Chapter Link
Rating: 5

Machua as a futanari has sex with Uril.

Eventually, Furuil joins in as well, making it a threesome.

After Furuil joins, Lord Agrais (A guy) also joins in for a foursome.

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Hands-On Draining with Three Succubus Sisters – Chapter 2 Scene 1

Series Page
Pages 9-43
Rating: 5

Lemy feels bad that Lamy can’t have sex, so she seduces and has lesbian sex with her.

Lily and the MC are also there having sex next to them, but Lily’s special ability makes it so they’re invisible and inaudible to Lemy, so she’s unaware of them being there. Lamy however can still see them.

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