Joukou – Chapter 13

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Rating: 2

The chapter starts with Ruriha and Nayu holding hands while they’re in class together.

Later, while Nayu is with her boyfriend, she begins to masturbate while thinking of all the times she had sex with Ruriha.

At the end of the chapter, Nayu violently stops a man from getting to close to Ruriha. Nayu then runs away, confused by her feelings and the realization that she’s falling for her.

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Joukou – Chapter 3

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Rating: 5

After Nayu pushes her boyfriend away when he was trying to have sex, she goes to see Ruriha to take her up on her offer to practice having sex.

They then have lesbian sex with each other for the first time, cheating on her boyfriend.

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Brickleberry – Season 3 Episode 10

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Episode Title: Amber Alert
Timestamp: 15:36-16:43
Rating: 5

When Ethel goes to kill Amber, she ends up getting awestruck by her beauty and has lesbian sex with her instead.

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Family Guy – Season 8 Episode 21

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Episode Title: Partial Terms of Endearment
Timestamp: 00:38-01:24
Rating: 1

At a college reunion, Lois admits to Peter that Naomi was the woman she experimented quite a bit with.

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Family Guy – Season 4 Episode 25 (Deleted Scene)

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Episode Title: You May Now Kiss the…Uh…Guy Who Receives
Timestamp: None (Deleted Scene)
Rating: 1

In a deleted scene, while Lois is talking to a priest about her views on homosexuality, she brings up her experience with lesbian sex.

Lois: “I’ve never had any problems with gays before. I’ve even had my own experiences and it is absolutely amazing. I mean girl-on-girl sex, it’s everything you would have imagined it would be.”

Priest: “Now let me ask you this, have you had any girl-on-girl sex recently?”

Lois: “Oh no no no, I mean for heaven’s sake, I’ve had 3 children.”

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Family Guy – Season 2 Episode 8

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Episode Title: I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar
Timestamp: 00:32-00:47
Rating: 3

In the opening scene, a beer commercial shows 2 girls playing around while rubbing lotion on each other.

The commercial announcer then says: “Pawtucket Patriot Beer. If you buy it, hot women will have sex in your backyard.”

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