Rick and Morty – Season 6 Episode 3 Scene 2

Series Page
Episode Title: Bethic Twinstinct
Timestamp: 06:12-07:29
Rating: 4

Beth and Space Beth go out under the premise of getting ice cream, but end up going on a date in space together.

They begin to flirt with each other and end up hooking up and having an affair together.

When they get back to Earth, Beth comments on how they forgot the ice cream, laugh, and then make out with each other again.

The scene ends with Morty accidentally seeing them make out while he’s taking out the trash.

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Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de – Episode 3 Scene 1

Series Page
DVD Extra
Timestamp: 09:48-10:53
Rating: 3

The MC walks in on Shinra having lesbian sex with Miyu, but he quickly closes the door to not upset Shinra.

We then briefly hear Miyu’s cries for help and after a short time skip, she runs out of the room partially nude.

There’s a 12 Second Clip that’s only available in the DVD version of the series that shows a little bit of what Shinra does to her.

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Kämpfer – Episode 7 Scene 1

Series Page
Timestamp: 06:47-07:47
Rating: 4

For the first round of the pocky game, Akane and Shizuku face each other.

Shizuku wins by going all in and actually kissing Akane. (Though it’s mostly off-screen.)

The kiss leaves Akane dazed and blushing, saying that Shizuku was amazing.

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