Koyoi, Tsuma ga. – Chapter 18

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Rating: 4

Kaede gets a massage from Ryouko that turns very sexual. The scene ends with Ryouko hugging Kaede from behind and whispering in her ear that she’s beautiful and can come over for a free massage whenever she wants.

Ryouko is a married woman and she’s very lonely from her husband being away from home all of the time. She’s also openly bisexual and tries to have sex with Kaede and the other girls all through out the series.

Lucky Guy – Chapters 52-53

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Rating: 5

Ms. Kang and Yujin stay at a motel together after staying out drinking. After Ms. Kang hears Yujin’s story, they start having sex.

When Ms. Kang wakes up, it briefly shows the sex scene again, implying they had sex all night long.

On the way to school, Ms Kang holds onto Yujin’s arm like they’re a couple.

This has the “Cheating” tag because Ms. Kang does this behind the MC’s back. He does find out at the end of Ch. 53, but he didn’t seem to mind.