The Yes Girl – Chapters 19-25

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Rating: 5

Seoyoung causes a misunderstanding where Hyein thinks that she was found out as being a lesbian, and Hyein thinks that Seoyoung is one as well.

This causes Seoyoung to feel bad, so in her embarrassment, she lies and says that she’s a lesbian and has feelings for Hyein, and she ends up having sex with her.

The day after they have sex, when they see each other at work, Hyein tries to get her to go on a date. This never goes anywhere though because in Ch. 37, Seoyoung clears up the misunderstanding and turns her down. And later, Hyein ends up dating a guy.

The “Cheating” tag is here because of the whole situation with Piljae, even though they aren’t dating.

Lucky Guy – Chapters 52-53

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Rating: 5

Ms. Kang and Yujin stay at a motel together after staying out drinking. After Ms. Kang hears Yujin’s story, they start having sex.

When Ms. Kang wakes up, it briefly shows the sex scene again, implying they had sex all night long.

On the way to school, Ms Kang holds onto Yujin’s arm like they’re a couple.

This has the “Cheating” tag because Ms. Kang does this behind the MC’s back. He does find out at the end of Ch. 53, but he didn’t seem to mind.