Toshimaku Sodachi no Toshima-san – Chapter 16

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Rating: 5

The chapter starts with Toshima and Melissa having lesbian sex again.

Later, they’re shown having lesbian sex again while Melissa wears a bunny outfit.

Toshima thinks she might be hooked on lesbian sex, but she keeps wanting the MC as well, which is why the scene immediately cuts to him afterwards.

The MC is not actually present in the lesbian scenes, the chapter just cuts back and forth a lot, so I’ll still tag this as No Male.

Koyoi, Tsuma ga. – Chapter 18

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Rating: 4

Kaede gets a massage from Ryouko that turns very sexual. The scene ends with Ryouko hugging Kaede from behind and whispering in her ear that she’s beautiful and can come over for a free massage whenever she wants.

Ryouko is a married woman and she’s very lonely from her husband being away from home all of the time. She’s also openly bisexual and tries to have sex with Kaede and the other girls all through out the series.