Toshimaku Sodachi no Toshima-san – Chapter 18

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Rating: 4

The MC has multiple threesomes with Toshima and Melissa throughout the chapter.

Afterwards, the MC is sent to jail, and while he’s gone, Toshima and Melissa are shown continuing their relationship off-screen.

Because of the ending, I’m tagging this as both Male Involved and No Male.

Also the MC gets out of jail and shows up at the very end.

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Toshimaku Sodachi no Toshima-san – Chapter 13

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Rating: 5

The chapter starts with Toshima waking up nude while cuddling with Melissa, implying they had lesbian sex.

She then freaks out and goes to tell the MC the whole story.

It starts with them getting drunk at a bar, which cause Toshima to realize she loves “cute girls” and she kisses her. It then proceeds to them going to a hotel and hooking up.

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