Revenge With My Harem – Chapter 27

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Rating: 4

Sylvia and Alice have lesbian sex with each other multiple times over the course of many days.

We also briefly see Alice’s thoughts about having a crush on Sylvia.

Because the MC asked Sylvia to do this, I gave this the Influenced tag. But the MC is not actually present during these scenes.

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Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 2Wei! – OVA

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Timestamp: 10:18-12:23
Rating: 5

Chloe makes out with Illya and rubs her body against her as well because kissing wasn’t enough to restore her mana.

All the while, Miyu is watching and offers to take Illya’s place, so Chloe teases her and gives a small peck before passing out.

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