Satanophany – Chapters 27-28

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Rating: 3

Sayoko tortures Kirishima by cutting her breast and pouring acid in the wound. She then begins to split her tongue as well.

All of this arouses Kirishima instead of being painful, and when she breaks free, she makes out with Sayoko.

Gore Warning
Pretty obvious from the description, but the entire scene is filled with blood and torture.

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Satanophany – Chapters 21-22

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Rating: 3

Before attempting to kill Chika, Kachua gropes and rapes her while she’s tied-up in a trap.

Eventually Chika gets free and ends the scene.

Gore Warning?
Kachua uses the bladed edge of a knife as a pseudo-dildo on Chika, but there’s no blood. Just a word of warning I guess.

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Super Ball Girls – Chapter 31

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Rating: 2

After being defeated and beginning to die, two ball girls named Gigi and Gaga confess their love for each other and kiss to fuse into a larger monster.

Gore Warning
Gigi and Gaga were sprayed with chocolate, which is their weakness, so their skin is melting off during the scene.

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Touka Gettan – Episode 10

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Timestamp: 10:19-11:30
Rating: 4

Yurika finds Asuna alone in a cave and ends up groping and kissing her before drinking her blood.

(It looks like Yurika killed Asuna after this scene, but she turns out to be fine in the next episode.)

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Locked Up – Chapters 54-56

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Rating: 4

At the very end of the Ch. 54, the MC tells Joon-Ye and Dakyung that he’s going to force them to have lesbian sex with each other as a competition, and whoever makes the other orgasm first will be let go.

In Ch. 55, Dakyung hits Joon-Ye in the head with a chair, knocking her over and then proceeds to eat her out.

At the very end of Ch. 56, the MC joins in and ends the scene. Nothing yuri happens in Ch. 57.

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Queen’s Blade: Vanquished Queens – Episode 4 Scene 2

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Timestamp: 09:28-12:11
Rating: 3

Aldra, now a housewife and with no memories of her life as a tyrant is discovered by 2 of her previous subordinates. Despite having no memory, they rape and torture her as punishment for their comrades and friends she turned into stone when she was evil.

Eventually Irma steps in and kills the 2 subordinates.

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