A Young Auntie – Chapter 12

Series Page
Rating: 5

Continued from the previous scene, the MC asks Jimin and Soyeon to have sex in front of him.

Soyeon is reluctant at first, but Jimin is all for the idea and coerces her into liking it as well.

They then have lesbian sex while the MC watches and masturbates.

After they finish, the MC joins, but the scene pretty much ends and the M/F scene is basically off-screen.

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Harem Wedding – The Sweet Honeymoon – Chapter 4

Series Page
Chapter Link (Pages 88-105)
Rating: 5

The group go on a trip to visit Clammish’s cousin, Offira, where during dinner time, Offira asks the MC if she can borrrow Clammish for the night to “chat.”

Once alone, Offira gets right to seducing and having lesbian sex with Clammish.

Eventually the MC and another man join them for a foursome.

Pages 88-94: No Male
Pages 94-105: Male Joins

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Heart Mark Oome. – Extra Art 1

Series Page
Rating: 3

Extra art of Reika and Akira with a saliva trail connected between their mouths, implying they were making out.

This art was made for an ASMR that released, but there wasn’t anything yuri in there.

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