Ki ni Naru Seina no Atama no Naka wa – Chapter 41

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Rating: 3

The FMC saw a horror movie earlier and gets scared while taking a shower, so she tries to imagine erotic thoughts.

We then see a female ghost trying to sneak up on the FMC, but as she gets close, the FMC’s erotic thoughts take form as a succubus and has lesbian sex with the ghost.

The chapter ends with the ghost running away and the FMC being completely unaware of what happened.

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Zombie Girlfriend! – Chapter 20

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Rating: 4

The chapter start with showing us that a lamia named Ji-Ah has a crush on harpy named Da-In.

Later, Da-In invited Ji-Ah over to watch her eat her egg. When Da-In wants to watch her eat another one, she takes off her pants, prompting Ji-Ah to jump her and have sex with her.

We later learn that they start dating each other after this.

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High School DxD – Card Art Compilation

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Google Drive
Rating: 4

So DxD has these Mobage Cards that have yuri-esque art in some of them. But there’s way too many for me to make a post for every single card. So I have some examples here and I put every yuri card I could find in the drive folder.

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