Learning the Hard Way – Chapter 86

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Rating: 5

The MC notices that Yejin has been going out a lot and thinks she’s sneaking off to go have lesbian sex with Yoobin.

In reality she’s just visiting her Doctor to ask about how to have sex while pregnant.

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Learning the Hard Way – Chapters 39-40

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Rating: 5

Yejin has lesbian sex with Yoobin while the MC just watches.

Eventually, the MC joins in as well for a threesome.

There’s a joke at the end of the Ch. 40 with Yoobin putting the on the Strap-On, saying it’s her turn, but nothing comes of it.

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Love Love Rumble – Chapters 8-9

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Pages: 136-137, 142, 148, 157-158, 165-169
Rating: 5

Mai visits Aya without the MC because he is having sex with 3 other girls.

Aya then takes the opportunity to seduce and have lesbian sex with Mai.

The Cheating tag is here because they do this behind the MC’s back.

This chapters cut back and forth between this scene and the MC.

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Risky Scandal, Such a Young Mom – Chapters 63-65

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Rating: 5

Gahee brings out a strap-on during a threesome with the MC.

When the MC asks about why Gahee has it, she tells him about how when no one comes into the shop, her and Taesu’s mother had started having sex lesbian sex with each other off-screen.

She then goes into detail about how it started, but eventually she ties up the MC and they start to have lesbian sex in front of and on top of him.

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