Mida Love – Chapter 11

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Rating: 4

Continued from last chapter, Hime is affected by the MC’s charm and starts trying to have sex with him.

Rina then walks in on them and gets affected by the charm as well, so they team up on the MC and grope him.

Near the end, Rina teaches Hime about how to touch a girl and find their “switch,” implying Rina’s been with other women in the past.

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Sefure – Chapters 43-44

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Rating: 5

Julia kisses Leo multiple times to try and steal her away from the MC and as a way to provoke him, which leaves Leo flustered.

Later for their show, they get on to the topic of kissing and how many types there are, which causes Leo to imagine all of them with Julia.

Julia then shows up and kisses Leo again.

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