I, My, Me, Mine – Chapter 10

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At the end of the chapter, the MC and Misao overhear Airi and Hotaru moaning, thinking that they’re cheating on the MC with another guy.

But when they open the door, they find out that they were having lesbian sex with each other instead.

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Sefure – Chapters 57-58

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Continued from the previous scene, Julia and Leo engage in lotion play while the MC watches.

Pretty quickly though, Julia gets more and more aggressive, turning the scene into full on lesbian sex.

Julia even starts to tease the MC about getting cucked by another woman, but he’s completely fine with it because it’s hot.

While showing reluctance to Julia’s previous advances, Leo gets very turned on here and begins to enjoy the girl-on-girl action.

The MC never joins in at any point, he only watches.

Personally speaking, this is probably my favorite scene I’ve added onto the manga list so far.

Even though the MC is fine with it in the end, I have the Cheating tag here because of the NTR dialogue Julia has.

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Toshimaku Sodachi no Toshima-san – Chapter 13

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The chapter starts with Toshima waking up nude while cuddling with Melissa, implying they had lesbian sex.

She then freaks out and goes to tell the MC the whole story.

It starts with them getting drunk at a bar, which cause Toshima to realize she loves “cute girls” and she kisses her. It then proceeds to them going to a hotel and hooking up.

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Streamer Aunt – Chapter 13

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Da-Jung gives Su-Jin’s an erotic oil massage in front of the MC while they’re live streaming.

After she finishes, she asks Su-Jin to do the same for her, but she backs out and the MC does it instead.

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Danchizuma no Yuwaku – Chapter 8

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At the start of the series, the MC’s fiancé, Kanae, supposedly runs away after finding out the the MC wrote erotica.

The MC has a dream about Hitomi NTR’ing him and tells him that she has been having lesbian sex with Kanae off-screen throughout the whole series.

After he wakes up, he goes to confront Hitomi, which eventually leads to the reveal that Kanae was actually there and it’s strongly implied that his dream was true.

At the end of the chapter, there is another reveal with this is purgatory and that the MC is in a coma, so regardless, the entire story is an Imagination.

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