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Timestamp: 53:03-55:30
Rating: 3
The MC has another orgy with Mio, Maria, Yuki, Kurumi and Zest.
Scenes features at least 1 girl with large breasts.
Series Page
Timestamp: 53:03-55:30
Rating: 3
The MC has another orgy with Mio, Maria, Yuki, Kurumi and Zest.
Series Page
Timestamp: 06:18-07:23
Rating: 4
Maria releases an aphrodisiac that causes Yuki and Kurumi to rub their bodies against each other.
Series Page
Timestamp: 06:47-10:15
Rating: 4
The MC essentially has an orgy with Mio, Maria, Yuki, Kurumi and Zest.
Series Page
Timestamp: 12:03-12:25
Rating: 1
Yuki and Kurumi are briefly shown training together.
Series Page
Timestamp: 21:06-21:40
Rating: 4
Noel gropes Mio’s body in a very seductive way while rubbing her breasts into her back.
Noel’s sexuality isn’t ever brought up in the anime or novel, but her licking her lips and her comments about Mio’s body definitely imply she’s either a lesbian or bisexual.
Series Page
Timestamp: 19:33-21:28
Rating: 3
Yuki helps out the MC with Kurumi’s master/servant pact.
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Timestamp: 02:30-06:45
Rating: 3
Maria gropes and sucks on Mio’s breasts while pretending to be the MC.
Series Page
Rating: 3
The FMC is briefly hugged and groped by her manager. (I’m guessing she’s her manager.)
The manager then activates some sex toys attached to her new suit.
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Raw Chapter Link
Rating: 3
The girls are briefly shown masturbating and having lesbian sex with each other while spying on Kaede having sex with her husband.
Series Page
Episode Title: I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar
Timestamp: 00:32-00:47
Rating: 3
In the opening scene, a beer commercial shows 2 girls playing around while rubbing lotion on each other.
The commercial announcer then says: “Pawtucket Patriot Beer. If you buy it, hot women will have sex in your backyard.”