
Who created this list?
U/CookiesAreTheCure on reddit did.
I had a lot of scenes bookmarked, and wanted to organize them, so I might as well share them.

Can I add to the list?
For any suggestions, please DM u/CookiesAreTheCure on Reddit.
Please include the series name and chapter number.

Can I support you in any way?
This website and the lists will always be free and available to use, but if you’d like to donate, it’d very much be appreciated.
All donations will go towards either the website or the purchases of more raw manga/hentai.

Why did you make a website for the list?
I’ll put a small explanation in the Google Sheet later, but as some of you may have noticed, u/theyurizone’s Pornhwa Google Sheet list got removed temporarily. Both of our lists do break Google’s Terms of Service about promoting or distributing sexual material, porn’s in the title. So making my own website helps keep the list alive, along with some of the other perks like searching for tags.

Can I still see the Google Sheet versions of the list?
Yes, I will not take them down. And I’ll update these links incase something ever happens to them.
Original Google Sheet
Backup Google Sheet

If this is a yuri scene list, then why are there FFM scenes?
Scenes are tagged appropriately, so you can ignore them if you don’t care for them.
But, I tried to only include FFM scenes if they fit under certain circumstances:
– The scene started out as yuri and the male wasn’t involved at 1st. (This is the main criteria for most FFM’s on the list.)
– The girls involved had a previous scene that “Stayed Yuri.”
– The yuri is happening in the background/at the same time as the FFM.
– I personally felt the scene warranted being on this list. (Fight me, there’s only a couple of scenes I added personally.)

Will you make a list for yuri scenes in non-yuri anime?
Maybe eventually. If I ever make that decision, I’ll put it in an update.

Why are some descriptions or tags wrong/missing?
If a description or a tag is wrong/missing, it means the series isn’t translated, or I just skimmed the scene/series and guessed at what was happening.
If you know what is wrong, feel free to DM me on reddit or leave a comment on the scene, and I’ll correct it.

How are you Rating the scenes?
My ratings are based on a number of criteria, such as build up, mood of the scene, art, length of the scene, and what’s going on during the scene (like kissing, oral, etc). I usually only give a 5 Rating to scenes that are “Medium-Long”, have “Kissing” and stay yuri with no male involved, but there are a few exceptions to that last one.

Why wasn’t “____” scene included?
– I may not have seen that scene before or it may not have been suggested.
– I may have missed it. I’m only human, mistakes happen.
– I usually don’t include the friendly breast-grope trope (“OMG ur boobs are so big, let me feel them.”) that 90% of manga have.
– Try suggesting it to me and I’ll try to check it out!

Why do some tags have question marks?
It’s usually to signify if I’m not 100% sure on the tag.
A good example of this is with a “Gender Bender” scene and if it qualifies as a “Yes” for the “Stays Yuri” column.
I’ll usually put a question mark there because it’s technically yuri, but it’s also a gender bent guy.
Long story short, if you see a question mark, you can determine for yourself if the tag was right or not.

Can you make a tag for “____” types of yuri scenes?
If you think I should add a tag, message me on Reddit, and I’ll look into adding it.
With this new website, I tried adding a lot of new tags to help people filter stuff, but I’m open to adding more.

Can you post or send the Raws for any of the Manga/Hentai you’ve purchased?
I typically post any scenes I’ve purchased in a google drive folder and link it with their respective series.
If it’s not there, or you can’t find them, message me on Reddit, and I’ll get them for you.

What is the Submitted Scenes page?
I have received A LOT of recommended scenes over the past year, and I have yet to get around to them all. I made this page with their recommendations in a generalized list format so everyone can still see what’s been submitted until I can eventually get around to actually adding them to the list with descriptions, tags, and such.

Why is there a Western Novel List?
I personally enjoy western novels, especially novels that are harem/polyamorous themed or novels obviously inspired by Japanese light novels/web novels.
And I’ve noticed a fair amount of the novels I read eventually have lesbian scenes and/or open relationships (the girls of the harem date each other as well).
But, nobody (including myself) would want JP and Western novels on the same list.
So it’s on a separate page with it’s own tags, and if you don’t care for them, you can ignore it.

What is the Recommended Novel List?
It’s any novel series that I haven’t read yet or dropped, but I know 100% for sure there are yuri scenes in them at some point either based on illustrations or from using CTRL+F for certain words.

Will you post the full series of any Western Novels?
I’d prefer not to, and most of the western novels I have on my list can be read with a Kindle Unlimited/Amazon Prime subscription, so if you can dish out the $11 a month, you can read most of the novels there.

There’s only a few western novels on here that would require you to pay for a Patreon or other means. Western authors usually have free sample chapters for you to try the story out and see if you like their writing.

I will say, if you find any novel on the Western Novel list that’s not on Kindle Unlimited (American Kitsune comes to mind) and you really want the series for free, just message me on Reddit, and I’ll get the EPUB’s or PDF’s for you. I just don’t want to advertise my site as a “download free e-books” website.

For the Novel Lists, have you completely read every series on them?
No, some of them I’ve dropped, or I’ve only read the 1st book, or I just skim read for yuri scenes.

So does that mean not every yuri scene from a Novel Series is on the list?
Yeah, some novels on here do not have every yuri scene listed. If I did not complete a series, I’ll put it in the additional info section that I didn’t, and that it’s possible there are more yuri scenes later or I missed.

There’s a character list below some titles, but how come not every character is listed?
The character list is only for the main character and any relevant female characters that are involved in the yuri scenes. It also serves as a helpful reminder for myself so I don’t forget characters names if I have to go back and add more scenes.

Why do some titles have a picture of a dog as the cover image?
It’s a joke that Zetro Translation’s uses for its web novels. Most web novels don’t have cover images or illustrations, so they give most web novels a Shiba Inu cover image, and I decided to do the same.