Girls Bravo (Manga)

Author: MARIO Kaneda
Artist: MARIO Kaneda
Status: Complete
Translation: English (Complete)
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16Partial Nude, Flirting, Hugging, Big Breasts, Yuri Fantasies/ThoughtsShortYes2
58Swimsuit, Group, Groping, Partial Nude, Big Breasts, Breast FondlingShortYes1
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Beni Tsubaki – Chapter 25

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Rating: 4

Tsubaki trying to understand her feelings, goes around her manor kissing the guys and girls of her staff.

She ends up running into her mother and almost kisses her as well.

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Beni Tsubaki – Chapter 19

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Rating: 3

During a party, Tsubaki kisses almost every girl that’s appeared in the series, including Lize.

Because Lize is dating that other guy, I gave this the Cheating tag.

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