Keishichou Bijinkyoku / The Honey Trappers

Author: YAMAGUCHI Masakazu
Artist: YAMAGUCHI Masakazu
Status: Complete
Translation: None
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8Bath/Shower, Full Nude, Fingering, Groping, Flirting, Body RubbingShortYes2
12Seduction, Partial Nude, Groping, Flirting, Thigh Rubbing,
Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, Tied-Up
13-14FFF Threesome, Group, Seduction, Massage, Partial Nude, Groping,
Flirting, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, Fingering, Sex Toys, Ass Grab, Grinding
15Full Colored, Partial Nude, Groping, Big Breasts, Fingering, Sex Toys, Strap-On, 69 PositionMediumYes3
23-24Fighting/Argument, Group, Rape, Tied-Up, BDSM, S&M, Partial Nude,
Groping, Big Breasts, Body Rubbing, 69 Position, Sex Toys, Strap-On
28Full Colored, Full Nude, Tied-Up, Groping, Big Breasts,
Nipple Play, Body Rubbing, 69 Position, Sex Toys
40Partial Nude, Groping, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, FingeringShortYes2
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Kanan-sama wa Akumade Choroi – Chapter 95

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Rating: 2

A new character, Ayame, is introduced when she goes to the MC and Kanan for advice on how to get closer to her crush and to have a “physical relationship” with them.

Ayame talks about the methods they’ve used in trying to seduce them, but nothing has been working out.

Kanan and the MC assumed it was a boy that Ayame was after, but at the end of the chapter, it’s revealed that it was actually Shinryuji.

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