Keep It a Secret From Your Mother! / Don’t Tell Mom! / Keep This a Secret From Mom!

Author: Noah
Artist: Daggang & Noah
Status: Complete
Translation: English (Complete)
English Link
Manga Updates

35Milf, Hugging, Flirting, Groping, Ass Grab, Swimsuit, Breast Fondling, Flirting, Big BreastsMediumYes3
36Yuri Fantasies/Thoughts, Big BreastsShortYes1
37Milf, Group, Partial Nude, Flirting, Groping, Ass Grab, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, GrindingMediumYes3
38Milf, Hand Holding, Big BreastsShortYes1
39Milf, Partial Nude, Big Breasts, Groping, Ass Grab, Flirting, Fingering, Hugging, Ear LickingMediumYes4
40Bath/Shower, Milf, Full Nude, Groping, Flirting, Big Breast, Breast FondlingMediumYes3
43Milf, Teacher, Kissing, French Kiss, Groping, Breast Fondling,
Breast Press, Big Breasts, Flirting, Cheek Kiss, Implied Sex, Hugging,
Imagination (Short), FFF Threesome (Joke), Implied Kissing, Group, Hall of Fame
50-55FFM Threesome, Milf, Teacher, Full Nude, Kissing, French Kiss,
Flirting, Groping, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, Breast Licking, Breast Press,
Hugging, Hand Holding, Implied Sex, Implied Kissing, Fingering, Hall of Fame
56Milf, Teacher, Kissing, French Kiss, Hugging, Groping,
Big Breasts, Cheek Kiss, Flirting, Breast Press, Hall of Fame
66Influenced, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Full Nude, Kissing, French Kiss,
Saliva Trail, Groping, Flirting, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, Hugging, Hall of Fame
70FFM Threesome, Incest, Milf, Mother/Daughter, Full Nude, Big Breasts,
Breast Press, Groping, Flirting, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Cuddling
71Influenced, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Almost Kiss, Kissing, French Kiss,
Yuri Fantasies/Thoughts, Big Breasts, Grinding, Tribadism, Imagination (Short), Full Nude
74Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Groping, Partial Nude,
Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, Flirting, Yuri Fantasies/Thoughts
89Accident, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Partial Nude, Big BreastsShortYes2
90Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Kissing, French Kiss, Imagination, Flirting,
Swimsuit, Full Nude, Groping, Big Breasts, Yuri Fantasies/Thoughts, Hall of Fame
91Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Partial Nude, Groping, Flirting, Almost Kiss,
Cuddling, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, Body Rubbing, Hall of Fame
92Accident, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Groping, Big Breasts, Breast FondlingShortYes2
95FFM Threesome, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Full Nude,
Exhibitionism, Public Nudity, Kissing, French Kiss, Saliva Trail,
Big Breasts, Oral Sex, Yuri Fantasies/Thoughts
97FFM Threesome, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Full Nude, Kissing, French Kiss,
Groping, Flirting, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, Body Rubbing,
Ass Grab, Oral Sex, Finger Licking, Cuddling, Hall of Fame
98FFM Threesome, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Full Nude,
Groping, Big Breasts, Breast Sucking, Breast Fondling
99-100Orgy, Group, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Full Nude,
Oral Sex, Big Breasts, Groping, Sex Toys, Dildo
100.5Group, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Teacher, Implied Sex, Off-Screen, Big BreastsShortYes2
FFM Threesome, Full Nude, Groping, Incest, Mother/Daughter,
Milf, Oral Sex, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling

Full Detailed List

Chapter 35

Chapter Link
Length: Medium
Stays Yuri: No Male

Rating: 3

Sae-Yeon finds Yeon-Ah very beautiful and sexy. While on vacation with everyone, she takes a selfie with her, so Yeon-Ah’s breasts get pushed against her arm. This turns her on, so she goes to hug and grope her.

Tags: Milf, Hugging, Flirting, Groping, Ass Grab, Swimsuit, Breast Fondling, Flirting, Big Breasts

Chapter 36

Chapter Link
Length: Short
Stays Yuri: Male Involved

Rating: 1

Sae-Yeon tells the MC that she’s going to try to have sex with Yeon-Ah.

Tags: Yuri Fantasies/Thoughts, Big Breasts

Chapter 37

Chapter Link
Length: Medium
Stays Yuri: No Male

Rating: 3

Sae-Yeon asks Yeon-Ah if she can grope her breasts, to which she agrees. She then goes crazy with fondling them, so the MC suggests playing drinking games to get them to stop.

During the games, Na-Yeon and Sae-Yeon grind against each other a lot.

Tags: Milf, Group, Partial Nude, Flirting, Groping, Ass Grab, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, Grinding

Chapter 38

Chapter Link
Length: Short
Stays Yuri: No Male

Rating: 1

Yeon-Ah tries giving life advice to Sae-Yeon, it ends with them holding hands and Sae-Yeon briefly passing out.

Tags: Milf, Hand Holding, Big Breasts

Chapter 39

Chapter Link
Length: Medium
Stays Yuri: No Male

Rating: 4

Yeon-Ah and Sae-Yeon spy on the MC having sex with Na-Yeon. Sae-Yeon teases and plays with Yeon-Ah while watching them.

Tags: Milf, Partial Nude, Big Breasts, Groping, Ass Grab, Flirting, Fingering, Hugging, Ear Licking

Chapter 40

Chapter Link
Length: Medium
Stays Yuri: No Male

Rating: 3

While Yeon-Ah and Sae-Yeon are briefly alone in the bath, Sae-Yeon teases and gropes her some more.

Tags: Bath/Shower, Milf, Full Nude, Groping, Flirting, Big Breast, Breast Fondling

Chapter 43

Chapter Link
Length: Medium
Stays Yuri: No Male

Rating: 5

Soo-Yeon drinks with Yeon-Ah and the MC. It’s then shown that when Soo-Yeon gets drunk she likes to flirt and make out with Yeon-Ah.

This causes the MC to think of Yeon-Ah as a seductress, briefly thinking of her with Soo-Yeon and Sae-Yeon.

The Implied Sex tag is here because later, during their threesome, Soo-Yeon says that she developed a sex technique specifically for Yeon-Ah. Implying their drunk make outs didn’t end with just kissing.

Tags: Milf, Teacher, Kissing, French Kiss, Groping, Flirting, Breast Fondling, Breast Press, Big Breasts, Cheek Kiss, Implied Sex, Hugging, Imagination (Short), FFF Threesome (Joke), Implied Kissing, Group, Hall of Fame

Chapters 50-55

Chapter Link
Length: Long
Stays Yuri: Male Involved

Rating: 5

The MC has a threesome with Soo-Yeon and Yeon-Ah.

Chapter 52 is the reveal about Soo-Yeon’s sex technique for Yeon-Ah.

Tags: FFM Threesome, Milf, Teacher, Full Nude, Kissing, French Kiss, Flirting, Groping, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, Breast Licking, Fingering, Breast Press, Hugging, Hand Holding, Implied Sex, Implied Kissing, Hall of Fame

Chapter 56

Chapter Link
Length: Medium
Stays Yuri: No Male

Rating: 4

Soo-Yeon kisses Yeon-Ah goodbye and asks about having sex with her again later.

Tags: Milf, Teacher, Kissing, French Kiss, Hugging, Groping, Big Breasts, Breast Press, Cheek Kiss, Flirting, Hall of Fame

Chapter 66

Chapter Link
Length: Medium
Stays Yuri: Male Joins

Rating: 5

The MC has Na-Yeon and Yeon-Ah (Mother and Daughter) make out with each other. They kiss while the MC watches, but then they eventually go to have sex with him.

Tags: Influenced, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Full Nude, Kissing, French Kiss, Saliva Trail, Groping, Flirting, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, Hugging, Hall of Fame

Chapter 70

Chapter Link
Length: Long
Stays Yuri: Male Involved

Rating: 4

A continuation of the threesome from Ch. 66.

Tags: FFM Threesome, Incest, Milf, Mother/Daughter, Full Nude, Big Breasts, Breast Press, Groping, Flirting, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Cuddling

Chapter 71

Chapter Link
Length: Medium
Stays Yuri: No Male

Rating: 4

While Na-Yeon and Yeon-Ah are taking a bath, Na-Yeon gets flustered by her mom’s nude body.

Afterwards, the MC tells Na-Yeon and Yeon-Ah to be more physically friendly with each other.

While he’s telling them to do that, the MC imagines and hopes that they’ll have lesbian sex with each other.

They both agree and while cleaning, almost kiss each other, but back away embarrassed with clear sexual tension between them.

Tags: Influenced, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Almost Kiss, Kissing, French Kiss, Yuri Fantasies/Thoughts, Big Breasts, Grinding, Tribadism, Imagination (Short), Full Nude

Chapter 74

Chapter Link
Length: Medium
Stays Yuri: No Male

Rating: 3

After Yeon-Ah gets out of the bath, she apologizes to Na-Yeon for having sex with the MC. Na-Yeon doesn’t mind and starts to get turned on by her Mom being nude.

She then starts groping her breasts, but stops herself after realizing what she was doing.

Tags: Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Groping, Partial Nude, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, Flirting, Yuri Fantasies/Thoughts

Chapter 89

Chapter Link
Length: Short
Stays Yuri: No Male

Rating: 2

The MC and Soo-Yeon come home to find Yeon-Ah and Na-Yeon in a possibly sexual position.

Tags: Accident, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Partial Nude, Big Breasts

Chapter 90

Chapter Link
Length: Long
Stays Yuri: No Male

Rating: 5

The chapter starts with Na-Yeon constantly getting turned on by her mom and then she imagines making out with her.

We then see Yeon-Ah showing off her body to Na-Yeon multiple times in an attempt to try and get a reaction out of her.

The chapter ends with Na-Yeon asking to sleep with Yeon-Ah.

Tags: Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Kissing, French Kiss, Imagination, Flirting, Swimsuit, Full Nude, Groping, Big Breasts, Yuri Fantasies/Thoughts, Hall of Fame

Chapter 91

Chapter Link
Length: Long
Stays Yuri: No Male
Rating: 4

Continued from Ch. 90, Na-Yeon cuddles in bed with Yeon-Ah while groping her breasts.

Later, Yeon-Ah goes in for a kiss, which startles Na-Yeon, causing her to trip and fall on top of her.

Tags: Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Partial Nude, Groping, Flirting, Almost Kiss, Cuddling, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, Body Rubbing, Hall of Fame

Chapter 92

Chapter Link
Length: Short
Stays Yuri: No Male

Rating: 2

Continued from the endings of Ch. 89 & Ch. 91, Na-Yeon gropes Yeon-Ah’s breast as she’s trying to get up.

Soo-Yeon misunderstands and thinks that Na-Yeon is assaulting Yeon-Ah. She then scolds them and claims that Yeon-Ah is hers.

Tags: Accident, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Groping, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling

Chapter 95

Chapter Link
Length: Long
Stays Yuri: Male Involved

Rating: 4

The MC has another threesome with Yeon-Ah and Na-Yeon.

Tags: FFM Threesome, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Full Nude, Exhibitionism, Public Nudity, Kissing, French Kiss, Saliva Trail, Big Breasts, Oral Sex, Yuri Fantasies/Thoughts

Chapter 97

Chapter Link
Length: Long
Stays Yuri: Male Involved

Rating: 4

The MC has a threesome with Yeon-Ah and Na-Yeon.

At the end of the chapter, Na-Yeon and Yeon-Ah agree to go out on trips together and get closer in both heart and body.

Tags: FFM Threesome, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Full Nude, Kissing, French Kiss, Groping, Flirting, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, Body Rubbing, Ass Grab, Oral Sex, Finger Licking, Cuddling, Hall of Fame

Chapter 98

Chapter Link
Length: Long
Stays Yuri: Male Involved

Rating: 4

The MC has another threesome with Yeon-Ah and Na-Yeon.

Tags: FFM Threesome, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Full Nude, Groping, Big Breasts, Breast Sucking, Breast Fondling

Chapters 99-100

Chapter Link
Length: Long
Stays Yuri: Male Involved

Rating: 4

Na-Yeon briefly eats out Yeon-Ah while the MC has sex with Soo-Yeon.

Later, they have lesbian sex with each other.

Tags: Orgy, Group, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Full Nude, Oral Sex, Big Breasts, Groping, Sex Toys, Dildo

Chapter 100.5

Chapter Link
Length: Short
Stays Yuri: No Male

Rating: 2

In the review chapter, the author talks about the relationships between Na-Yeon, Yeon-Ah and Soo-Yeon and the reasonings for lesbian sex in the series.

He shows off a diagram of his ideal harem relationship, which is for the girls to be involved with each other as well as the MC. This prompts Yeon-Ah to break the 4th wall, saying that Na-Yeon and Soo-Yeon need to have sex with each other.

So it’s just implied the girls have lesbian sex with each other whenever the MC isn’t around.

Tags: Group, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Teacher, Implied Sex, Off-Screen, Big Breasts

Cover Image

Stays Yuri: Male Involved?
Rating: 3

The cover on the Korean version of Toptoon shows Na-Yeon and Yeon-Ah having sex with each other.

This scene seems to be depicted in the threesome from Ch. 97.

Tags: FFM Threesome, Full Nude, Groping, Incest, Mother/Daughter, Milf, Oral Sex, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling

Akame ga Kill! Zero / Akame ga Kiru! Rei

Author: Takahiro (タカヒロ)
Artist: TORU Kei
Status: Complete
Translation: English (Complete)
English Link
Manga Updates

ChapterTagsLengthStays Yuri?Rating
29Seduction, Cheating, Full Nude, Kissing, French Kiss, Flirting,
Groping, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, Yuri Fantasies/Thoughts
35Forced, Incest, Sisters, Kissing, French Kiss, Big BreastsShortYes2
37Full Nude, Seduction, Kissing, French Kiss, Groping, Flirting, Big Breasts,
Breast Fondling, Body Rubbing, Tribadism, Fingering, Tribadism
37-38Colored Pages, Seduction, Partial Nude, Kissing, French Kiss, Saliva Trail,
Groping, Flirting, Big Breasts, Ass Grab, Hand Holding, Stockings
39Partial Nude, Kissing, French Kiss, Groping, Hugging,
Big Breasts, Breast Licking, Nipple Play, Breast Fondling
46FFF Threesome, Group, Seduction, Cheating?, Rape, Tied-Up, Partial Nude,
Groping, Flirting, Big Breasts, Breast Fondling, Fingering, Yuri Fantasies/Thoughts
47Seduction, Big Breasts, Yuri Fantasies/ThoughtsShortYes1