
Years: 1999-2003 / 2008-2013 / 2023-Present
Status: Ongoing

S4 Ep. 7Monster Girl, Fighting, Body Rubbing, Tights, GropingMediumYes1
Movie 3Monster Girl, Kissing, French Kiss, Cheek Kiss, Hugging,
Implied Kissing, Off-Screen, Hall of Fame
S7 Ep. 7Bath/Shower, Wet Body, Monster Girl, Full Nude, Off-ScreenShortYes1

Full Detailed List

Season 4 Episode 7

Episode Title: Jurassic Bark
Length: Medium
Stays Yuri: No Male
Timestamp: 12:22-13:45
Rating: 1

Leela and Amy wrestle with each other as a means to practice hand-to-hand combat.

Tags: Monster Girl, Fighting, Body Rubbing, Tights, Groping

Movie 3 (Bender’s Game)

Length: Medium
Stays Yuri: No Male
Timestamp: 01:19:17-01:19:42
Rating: 4

When Amy goes to thank Leela for saving her, she starts by kissing her cheeks, but then quickly moves to full on making out with her.

When the Professor says that Fry is fighting for his life and wants to go help, Bender says to wait for a couple of minutes so they can continue to watch Amy and Leela make out.

Tags: Monster Girl, Kissing, French Kiss, Cheek Kiss, Hugging, Implied Kissing, Off-Screen, Hall of Fame

Season 7 Episode 7

Episode Title: The Six Million Dollar Mon
Length: Short
Stays Yuri: No Male
Timestamp: 06:30-06:44
Rating: 1

Leela asks Fry to come rub some scented body oil on her, and then Amy says that Leela punishes her when she doesn’t use enough.

Tags: Bath/Shower, Wet Body, Monster Girl, Full Nude, Off-Screen

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