June 11th, 2024 Update

Post Updates
– Updated The 17th Son – Chapter 36 with a link to the translated chapter.

Trapped in a Hentai Game Academy – Chapters 102-103‘s raw link now goes to Ch. 103, ending the scene.

– Updated Mother-in-Law Bends To My Will – Chapter 35 with a link to the translated chapter.

Smart App Life – Chapters 49-51‘s raw link now goes to Ch. 51, possibly ending the scene.

– Updated Caster Natsume Reiko no Yuuwaku – Chapter 15 with a link to the translated chapter.

Website Updates / News
So I’m trying something new with the list to make it more convenient to see every scene when looking at a series post. Going forward, I’m going to add a collapsible section of scenes underneath the table section on series posts. This is to save people time from having to click on every individual scene post.

And if you don’t like it, it’s collapsible and closed by default, so you can ignore it if you prefer the original way I had the list set up.

This will not replace scene posts, as I still need to make scene posts for the advanced search to actually serve its purpose.

This may replace the table format in the future, should a majority of people actually prefer this format compared to the table format.

I’ve fully updated Keep It a Secret From Your Mother! to show as an example of how it will work. Just scroll to the bottom and click Show Full Detailed List.

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