May 1st, 2024 Update

Post Updates
– Updated Scan Here! – Chapters 40-41 with a link to the translation for Ch. 40.

Panty Note – Chapters 169-173‘s translation is now complete

– Updated Corruption in Dungeon – Chapter 10 with a link to the translated chapter.

– Updated Elf ni Inmon o Tsukeru Hon – Chapter 7 with a link to the translated chapter.

Visual Novel Translation Update
So a few people have asked about the Visual Novel I’ve been translating and why it’s taking so long. The short answer is that I am done and figured out how to apply my translation to the game’s files, but I ran into some issues with the text.

Basically, whenever I translated a sentence that was too long, the game would just cut it off whenever it ran out of text space. So I’ve had to go back through my translation and edit or paraphrase sentences to avoid this issue. So doing that and constantly having to double check that the new edited sentence doesn’t get cut off is what’s taking this so long.

I will try to have it finished by the end of the month, but don’t hold me to that.

Some Examples of the Issue:

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