02/08/2024 Update

Post Updates
– Updated Summer Retreat Girls – Chapter 31 with a link to the translated chapter.

– Updated Erotic Manga Café Girls – Chapters 58-59 with a link to the raw chapters.

Yasu Revival Period has just started receiving a translation, so I added the translated title: Sex Renaissance.

– Updated Yasu Revival Period – Chapter 4 with a link to the translated chapter.

Website Update
I mentioned it before, but I’m finally fixing the Manga List Page because I’ve been unable to edit it since November due to its size. I’ve divided the list into 5 pages instead of 2 like I originally intended to avoid the same issue happening again. I’ll probably do the same for the Pornhwa and Hentai list pages eventually as well. I’m still currently working on it, but I should have it finished by tomorrow or Saturday.


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